Ultimate Ethical Hacking Course By Udemy
Lecture 10 Basic Commands pwd, cd, ls, touch, less, history, cp, mv, echo, cat, whoami, mkdir, rmdir, rm ,locate, man, which, whatis, whereis, alias rm -rf :- r stands for recursive (means it will delete nested folder) Note:- sudo updatedb:- it is a command use to update filesystem database. which:- it is a command use to find anything(programming)is intsalled or not on the system.eg:- which python whatis:- it is a command use to know about any command.eg:- whatis ls history -c :- it is use to clear all history of commands whereis:- where command is the name of the command you want to search for Lecture 11 0-stdin, 1-stdout, 2-stderr, pipe, tee, cut, head, tail, sort, grep, uniq , wc, nl, file .................................................................................................................... To find files from entire computer:- find / -type f -name filename.txt 2>/dev/null find- stands for...