Ultimate Ethical Hacking Course By Udemy

 Lecture 10

Basic Commands

 pwd, cd, ls, touch, less, history, cp, mv, echo, cat, whoami, mkdir, rmdir, rm ,locate, man, which, whatis, whereis, alias

rm -rf :- r stands for recursive (means it will delete nested folder) Note:- 

sudo updatedb:- it is a command use to update filesystem database.

which:- it is a command use to find anything(programming)is intsalled or not on the system.eg:-which python

 whatis:- it is a command use to know about any command.eg:- whatis ls

 history -c :- it is use to clear all history of commands

 whereis:- where command is the name of the command you want to search for


 Lecture 11





pipe, tee, cut, head, tail, sort, grep, uniq , wc, nl, file 


To find files from entire computer:-  find / -type f -name filename.txt 2>/dev/null

find- stands for search

/- it means search entire computer

-type f name - it means we searching for  specific file 

2- stands for stderr 

> redirecting

/dev/null/- it is like black hole , so that we cannt get any error(all the errors will be stored in this directory)


 tee:- if we want see the content of a file and at that time we also want to store the output in another file , we can use ths command.eg;- ls | tee output.txt

 cut:- it use to print the character of any word/sentence.eg:- cat file.txt | cut -c 1

 nl :- is used for print number lines in a file.eg:- nl file.txt

head:- is used for print number of line from a file(from starting).eg:- head -n 3 file.txt

tail:- is used for print number of line from a file(from last).eg:- tail -n 3 file.txt

 wc:- is used to print the no. of line, word, and character.eg:- wc -l, -w, -c, file.txt

grep:- is used to print any matching word/pattern in any file. eg:- cat file.txt | grep "hello"

 Lecture 12

