Question 1

So The objective of our first Question is to find the current user's Username, Server Hostname, Current Working Directory, and System Information.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to check current user in Linux.
How to check server hostname in linux.
uname -a

Question 2

So The objective of This Question is to List all the Files and Folders of the current directory, then change your direction to Question-2 and Read a file name solved.txt.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to change the directory in Linux.
how to read files in Linux.
cd Question-2
cat solved.txt

Question 3

So The objective of This Question is to find a hidden file in Question-3 Folder and print its content or data.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
How to list hidden files in Linux.
cd Question-3
ls -al
cat .solved.txt

Question 4

So The objective of This Question is to Create a new folder inside Question-4 Directory and create a text file in the new folder.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
How to Create Folders and Files in Linux
cd Question-4
mkdir newFolder
cd newFolder
touch newFile

Question 5

So The objective of This Question is to Delete all the files and folders inside Question-5 Folder.

Note: if there is no file available Please wait for some minutes and try again.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to delete files and folders in Linux.
How to delete all files and folders in linux.
cd Question-5
rm -rf *

Question 6

There is a file and folder inside /home/labuser named ques6.txt & ques6 copy it inside the question-6 folder.                                              

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to copy Files and Folder in Linux.
How to Copy multiple Files and folders in linux.
cp -R ques6 Question-6
cp ques6.txt Question-6
cd Question-6

Question 7

So the Objective of this Question is you have to Go inside the Question-7 folder and rename demo.txt file and Demo folder.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to rename files and folder in Linux.
cd Question-7
mv demo.txt done.txt
mv demo done

Question 8

So the Objective of this Question is you have to Go inside the Question-8 folder and read '-' named file.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to read special character named files in Linux.
cd Question-8
cat ./-

Question 9

So the Objective of this Question is you have to decompress the file named

Note:You have to make a temporary folder in /tmp/demo and copy file there to decompress it.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to decompress file in Linux.
how to unzip file in Linux.
cd Question-9
mkdir /home/labuser/tmp/demo
cp /home/labuser/tmp/
cd /home/labuser/tmp/demo
cat solved.txt

Question 10

So the Objective of this Question is you have to Go inside the Question-10 folder, list all the files, and check their file size, you will find a file with an exact 35 bytes size read it.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to check file size in Linux.
cd Question-10
ls -al
cat test6

Question 11

There is a text file inside Question-11 Folder, that has a password but you need to print the only unique line which consists of the password.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to print unique data of file in Linux.
cd Question-11
uniq demo.txt

Question 12

Go inside the Question-12 Folder, which has multiple files with the same name but different file types. Try to find the file type of all files and read their data.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to check file type in Linux.
cd Question-12
file *
cat demo5

Question 13

There is a file which is located in a folder named Question-13 but the folder is somewhere on the whole server, do something to find that folder and read the file.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to find folder and files in Linux.
find / -name "Question-13" 2>&1
cd /opt/Question-13
cat solved.txt

Question 14

Go inside the Question-14 folder. but this time we encrypted the data in base64 encryption, do something to decrypt the data and print the output.

You can search on the Internet for Linux commands. Example:
how to decode base64 data in Linux.
cd Question-14
cat encrypteddemo.txt |base64 -d

Question 15

As you already know some of the basic Linux commands and their usage it's time for a quick logical Challenge before finishing this lab.

The goal is to find a folder named finalchallenge somewhere in the whole server and have to read its data.
Note:this challenge is not that easy as it looks like different file types, encryptions etc can be there.
Good Luck For this Challenge.
Try Harder!

LINK FOR THE LAB -  Cyber Security Virtual Experience Program By UpgradeMore
